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请问如何用英语表达: 不服输的心情!!!
提问者:Traveling  提问时间:07-06-20 23:13  
woaixuexi 的答案  ( 采纳时间: 07-06-21 07:31 )

  • We lost the game, and I'm not convinced at all.

    读读以下一篇报道,文中引用的那句nowhere near convinced更加强了语气:
    They get tagged as a great footballing team. I'm nowhere near convinced. I think we're a better team, I think we've got a better squad of players.,16368,1867_2146437,00.html
  • He was so discouraged by the lost of the match.
  • After lost a competition,he is not resigned to very much,
  • Am recalcitrant for losing the match
5 回应  回答时间: 07-06-20 23:19 
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